Half-Elf Species in The Maelstrom Isles | World Anvil
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Wherever there are Elves and any other race mingling, there are Half-Elves. Elves’ beauty and grace make them quite attractive to the other races of the world of both genders, hence Half-Elves are quite common.   You can find the Half-Elf Stat Block here


  Half-Elves are as diverse as their parentage. Pointed ears and bright eyes are the only consistent genes passed on from their elven side, everything else could be from either.

Homelands across the world

  • Half-Elves live where they can, many times their parents do not stay together and they live with whichever will take them.
  • The people of the Zuli-Tkasa Empire have mixed with Elves for a long time, few, if any of its people, are pure Elf. The Half-Elven population is now only slightly less than half of the population.


If they follow religion it is usually that of their non-Elvish parents.

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