Skitix Spell in The Lost Realms | World Anvil
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The name given to the school of Zhak'raa magic that involves the creation and manipulation of shadows. It is one of four disciplines under the Master rank of magic, and is usually considered by others to be the most sinister.


Skitix spells most commonly make use of an individual's shadows (either their own or their opponents) to impale, lacerate, asphyxiate or disorientate. Through the power of Zhak'raa, shadows are transformed from a 2-dimensional light effect to a physical, tangible material that can be shaped and directed.

Side/Secondary Effects

Like all Master schools of magic under Zhak'raa, there is a significant drain on the physiological wellbeing of the user. These spells tend to leave the spellcasters fatigued as well as mentally exhausted.   In particular, Skitix spells tend to leave dark marks under the skin that would at first look like bruises, though they soon develop into larger afflictions where the skin blackens and peels.  


Unlike the other schools of Master-level magic, Skitix requires only a light source to generate shadows. Sometimes even this is not necessary, as the truly expert practitioners are able to weave shadows in pure darkness. The spellcaster will often carry a light source such as an oil lantern that has been specially crafted to cast many unique shadows and shapes. This light source is the focus for all the spells they carry, so it is not uncommon to see them hang from staves or rods.   There are benefits too, however. When one has spent enough years mastering the skill, one may find their senses enhanced so that they will be able to see in the dark. This may also result from the primary monastery for this school of magic being situated underground, where shadows are plentiful.

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