The Misty Valley Luftkuns
I was ten when I had my first cup of coffee. I had never really had a desire to taste it. My father, after he got out of prison for a hit and run, would sit in his chair drinking his coffee and polluting the air in his tiny apartment with toxins from his smoldering Winston. I think I had been turned off from it because of the way his kitchen smelled as the scents of his coffee and smoke mixed in the morning air. My first sip of coffee came not in my father's smoky kitchen. It was in the Misty Valley of The Lost Place and I have never had better.
The Misty Valley Luftkuns
The Luftkuns are primarily defined by the region they live in of The Lost Place. I spent most of my time in The Lost Place with the JUngle Luftkuns of Pumpkin Hill. For a very brief period, I visited with the Luftkuns of The Misty Valley. The Misty Valley Luftkuns of "MVL" for this article's body, is a very hard working race that lives far south of Pumpkin Hill. They are known for the rich, strong coffee beans that they grow and sell as either beans or ground coffee. The soil in the Misty Valley is black as night and perfect for the beans. The "MVL" have a darker skin tone most have very black hair. Most male "MVL" sport thick mustaches or stubble covered faces. They wear oversized straw hats to protect themselves from the sun. Female "MVL" usually have dark hair held up with ribbons to ease the heat on their necks during their day's work. They have sharp exotic features making them olive-skinned beauties.
The "MVL" start their days before the first rays of sun illuminate the valley with a cup of their hot black coffee. As soon as the cups are empty The "MVL" head out to a day's work in the fields. The more youthful of the "MVL" travel to retrieve volcanic rock from the dormant Mount Mortis to be ground and mixed with the soil for growing the beans. The older more seasoned "MVL" go about the business of watering and tending to the trees.
The coffee is sold in The Misty Valley as well as in all the village markets in The Lost Place.
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