The Grey Rain Skydocks Settlement in The Lost Archipelago | World Anvil

The Grey Rain Skydocks

Floating high above the Grasping Hand Mountains of the Ulguan continent, the Grey Rain Skydocks stand watch. Only the most dour of Kharadron come here voluntarily for the constant dolorous storms give little to hope for. The vein of aethergold is plentiful however and fortunes can be made for the daring sky captains.


High Admiral Nachti Ebongust
High Admiral Nachti Ebongust commands the Skydocks, ensuring all contracts are fulfilled and the code followed. Her crews sail under grey colors and are known to let petty rivalries go too far, it is common for a ship to return with a new captain after an extended journey.

Endrinmaster Despondag Feignstar
The Admiral’s second in command and a rumored murderer. His flight suit hides the hideous scars that cover his body and face from one to many bar fights. The ships he services are some of the swiftest in the region, able to slice through a squall as if it were a clear day.


The Gristle:
A Frigate that has seen its fair share of action, some say the captain even seeks out the most dangerous skies in hopes to have a good fight. Armed with a Sky Cannon, the shots that pour out onto its foes tear away limbs and crush vital organs. A crew of Thunderers stand ready in its hold to lead a surprise boarding party whenever the call is made.

The Windwistle:
Gunhauler and scout to the fleet, this ship is adorned with various trophies and medals from its service. With expert training, the crew maintain a blistering barrage that shreds any who come too close.


Grey suited Arkanauts and Thunderers patrol the Skydocks, collecting dues and maintaining the peace. Should an enemy be sighted each knows exactly their role and rush to their stations, ready to do what must be done.


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