Snow on a Dim Morning's Day Character in The Long Dark | World Anvil

Snow on a Dim Morning's Day

Snow on a Dim Morning's Day (a.k.a. Day)

dam................... she xenophubic

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

tall stacked & jacked

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity

She's never thought too hard about her own gender identity. You can get away with that when you're secure in it.


Day is bisexual and happily married.

Morality & Philosophy

Day is not always quick to give her trust, but once given, it's deep rooted and hard to shake. She very much dislikes outside forces, interlopers, weird spooky things she doesn't understand, and general threats to her family. She doesn't like bothering herself with too many airy concepts or nuances either. This isn't to say she's stupid, but she's closed minded in the way you might expect from someone who really only concerns herself with protecting the things important to them.   She'll slit anyone's throat and not feel bad if they came at her true allies, but she'll never intentionally betray or try to hurt those allies, either. She's an overly loyal dog that'll bark and bite at anything or anyone outside of her sphere of unconditional affection. The lengths she'll go for the simple sake of those she cares for in some eyes makes her something close to a hero. On the other side, though, it more than easily makes her a monster.


Contacts & Relations

Mouse: You ran off by yourself, to a group of beings that had murdered a scout that wasn't even aggressive towards them. I came because I love you. Because I want to see you safe. Now Star is dead, and all I feel from you... isn't any guilt, remorse, or anything at all. It feels like you think we deserved that. Because we didn't trust you. I feel - I realize, maybe, through all the time I'd spent with you, I'd been kidding myself all along. It doesn't feel like you care about me or my family at all.   I still love you, though. I'm just hurt, and grieving. Call me a fool, I'll still die to keep you safe, Mouse. It's a mother thing.   I just know you won't do the same for me.   Pana: I know what he did, though I'm not sure I mind. What happened, isn't great. An innocent life was lost. But you can blame magic people for that one. It wouldn't be a problem if magic people weren't so dangerous that innocent people get caught up in the mix sometimes.   Beothuk: I'm still wary of you, and I still think you're probably a skinwalker. But also you're a crack shot, and dependable when it counts. Thank you for looking out for Mouse in your own way.   Parlant Ours: I'm wary of you, but Sagunta trusts you, so I'll trust you too. For now, anyways. I'll keep an eye on you, though.   Sagunta: He's tried, tested, and proven trustworthy. I'm not always impressed by people simply because of their station, but he's been a pillar of the community long enough that I'll do just about anything he asks.   Star + Wind: I'm sorry.   Hiawatha: A level headed man whose opinion I've come to appreciate.

Family Ties

Taheton - Her husband. Cresting Waves on a far Shore (Crest) - Daughter, 11. Wolf's Howl for a Hidden Moon (Howl) - Son, 6.   Rain on a Bright Evening (Rain) - Older Sister Endless Dark beyond the Sunset (Sunset) - Middle brother something - Oldest Brother

Religious Views

bigot machine go brrrr


Your Embarrassing Mom but like Yeah

A warrior and leader in her tribe. Can throw down™️. One part embarrassing mom, two parts horrible paranoid ultra-bigot.

Current Location
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Lawful Neutral
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Snow on a Dim Morning's Day
Pale Blonde
Skin Tone/Pigmentation