Skinwalkers Species in The Long Dark | World Anvil


Of all the creatures of the new age, perhaps none are as universally frightening as the skinwalkers. Yes, there are far more individually deadly monsters or more direct threats, but the skinwalkers, shrouded in enigma, have captured the terrified imaginations of the human tribes like none other.   It is not difficult to see why. The idea of a predator that can take the form of any living creature, by wearing its skin, nonetheless, is uniquely horrifying. The fact is, however, that not a great deal is known about the skinwalkers, making them a mysterious threat.

Basic Information

Biological Traits

Few have seen a skinwalker in their true form, and it is difficult to separate those who have from those who simply spread tall tales. Most agree that the skinwalkers are grotesque and goblinoid, shorter than the average human, unnervingly waifish, and often pale. Accounts, even of this, vary, and some say they are tall and elegant, beautiful to behold.   Skinwalkers are believed to be carnivorous, and it is widely accepted that salt is poisonous to them, though this, like most facts regarding the species, must be taken with a grain of the same mineral.

Additional Information

Social Structure

The social structure of the skinwalkers, if one exists, is completely unknown, as very few have had the opportunity to speak to a skinwalker in a language that both understand. Most believe that skinwalkers must have very loose bonds with one another, living exclusively alone or in very small groups. Skinwalkers are likely semi-nomadic, moving between human or cloven settlements, taking what they can, and slipping away before the settlement catches on.

Facial characteristics

Skinwalker facial features are said to have a grotesque innocence, with large eyes and ears. Some say they have dozens of razor sharp teeth, forked tongs, and eyes of pure black. Others, however, claim they have red, glowing eyes and extended canines.

Average Intelligence

Skinwalkers are known to be clever, on par with or even more intelligent than humans. They are clever in the way a predator is clever, however, and they are generally not smart enough to develop on their own, rather acting as parasites for more developed species.

Civilization and Culture

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Skinwalkers seem to have their own language, which has an almost musical intonation. It is claimed that they do not have vocal chords, like humans and clovens do, instead having hollow tube-like cartilage structures, through which they speak. When they take the form of a different species, they gain vocal chords. Younger skinwalkers, it is believed, are often inexperienced with speaking using this unfamiliar equipment.
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