Middlegarden Geographic Location in The Long Dark | World Anvil


Nym's murder marked the beginning of the Long Dark and the death of summer. As the evil deed was done, however, and as Nym cursed Mal, her brother, into oblivion, the lifeblood of the daughter of the sun spilled upon the point where the needle of the Loom that Weaves the Tapestry of Reality meets the thread. Before the loom was sundered by convergence of two ages, the thread dyed by Nym's essence was woven into the cloth.   All of Nym's kindness and the dwindling warmth of summer poured into this last act of the loom, and Middlegarden was born. Even in this new age of cold misery, Middlegarden is sheltered from the dark and nurtured by the blood of summer. In the yearning tales of those who have stumbled into its embrace, the valley is a place of green growth and bucolic warmth. Few have wandered into Middlegarden, however, and all who have returned have found themselves incapable of discovering it again. For it is a treacherous place, a promise of succor from the winter, held just out of our reach.


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