Mahu Character in The Long Dark | World Anvil


Mahu is a gardener with a strange outlook on life, that all things require cultivation, and all things must feed. She frequently compares the tribe to a bonfire or light, saying that it needs fuel to burn. When pressed to elaborate, she will claim that one must give of themselves to add to the flame, but that is the extent of her metaphor. She believes that Mouse's tomfoolery is dangerous and she doesn't support it, but if any new information is brought back she is always more than happy to put it to use. She sees mouse as a lost child, and encourages her to make personal sacrifices for the good of the tribe. She has mixed feelings on Pana, but respects him. She deeply fears magic, but is not antagonistic of it outright.   She is very empathetic, to the point where she is often a good indicator of general morale. She picks up on small details, but often has no personal business outside of making people places ad things her project of the week and nurturing it to her definition of "health", be it restoring a building, tending to the sick, mending an outfit, or changing social policy.

Mahu is an enigmatic and good-natured gardener, both literally and figuratively. She sees it as her duty to nurture the community, as much as she can, and she keeps good relations with everyone.

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