Cloven Species in The Long Dark | World Anvil


Standing a solid foot higher than a human male, on average, it is easy to see why humans view the cloven with some nervousness. While many human tribes maintain some level of friendly exchange with cloven communities, even these tribes are cautious when dealing with the hooved species. Cloven are brutish and wild, often little better than animals, and many human settlements have been destroyed by a cloven raid.   Nevertheless, of all the creatures of this new age, the cloven are among the least threatening, as most are initially peaceful, if prone to violent outburst.

Basic Information

Biological Traits

Cloven are tall and burly, covered in thick, course fur. They have horns, whose size and shape vary between individuals, which are often seen as a source of pride for particularly endowed cloven. Instead of feet, they have massive hooves, draped in shaggy fur. The color and thickness of a cloven's fur coat varies by the season and individual, though most have lighter shades, blending in with the snow and ice.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Cloven have similar social structures to humans, typically living in collections of large family groups. They are often led by elders or particularly experienced members of their families, though they are typically far more disorganized and anarchic than humans.

Average Intelligence

Clovens are sapient creatures and, as such, have the ability to adapt and problem-solve. They are, however, often stubborn and savage creatures, who lose themselves in the heat of the moment.

Civilization and Culture

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Clovens have their own languages and dialects, depending on the tribe and region. Due to the higher level of exchange between humans and cloven, the languages of the two groups often borrow from one another. While a human will not be able to understand much of a local cloven's speech, they will be able to pick up bits and pieces, sometimes enough to facilitate trade.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Clovens seem to view humans with some level of disdain, as weaker creatures from a dead age. This, of course, depends on the relationship between humans and cloven in a given region.
50 years
Average Height
2 meters
Average Weight
120 kg


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