Players in the Campaigh in The Lonely Coast | World Anvil
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Players in the Campaigh

The Lonely Coast is an isolated borderland territory isolated by thick forests and stormy waters from the surrounding lands. Populated by hardy, industrious folk such a remote place is the perfect breeding ground for heroes. Characters growing up in the locality are probably of hardy peasant stock determined to better their lot for some reason. Alternatively, characters new to the Lonely Coast could have arrived on one of the many merchantmen coming here to procure slate and tin or to trade for the furs and pelts gathered under the Tangled Wood’s glowering boughs. Some visitors come in search of adventure while others embrace the anonymity of the frontier. Still, others, tiring of civilisation’s decadence, come to start a new life. Adventurers are generally intent on battling the ferocious humanoids of the interior or on uncovering the ancient ruins and hidden treasure caches of the Old People lying forgotten in the untamed places of the Tangled Wood.


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