An Introduction to the Race of Elves Ethnicity in The Lines Inbetween | World Anvil

An Introduction to the Race of Elves

Elves are a tall, human like race, one of the oldest races in the world with an extensive history. Though found in the far east of the world, there is almost nowhere you will not find Elves in some shape or form, be it their influence or they themselves.


Elven society is split into three sects. During times of Elven unity, where all Elven people are united under one power, these titles would be freely assigned to anyone who fit the definition, not coming with any sort of particular bias or prejudice. However, in various times throughout history as well as modern times, these terms can be used more broadly to describe the style of governance and general ideas of any of the various Elven societies.   The first, and most prominent of these sects is that of the Wood Elves. The term is derived thusly: All Elves come from the old greenwood, and so the every day jobs such as farming, masonry and that of your typical town watchman are considered to be those of the Wood Elves, everyday jobs that have existed for a very long time and are in many ways necessary to society.   The second sect, which is neither overly common nor notably rare, is that of the Dark Elves. It was a term originally assigned to those in society who work grim jobs, that of war, butchery, or jailkeeping. The Origin for this term is more contested than that of the other two sects, but one can derive that when these jobs, specifically that of warfare, became overly common in society, that life had become grim and dark as the times that necessitated them had.   The third sect, and the rarest of all, is that of the High Elves. The term comes from the belief that when an Elven society reaches the point of progress in which jobs related to art, music, or that of the state such as bureaucrats become common and easy be involved with is when said Elven society has reached a higher level of enlightenment.  


The language of the elves is simultaneously highly connected to many other languages of the world, and altogether mysterious. It has been around for a very long time, and though it has changed over time, many words in other languages can have their roots traced back to words in modern or old elvish. This given, one might expect that many words in Elvish could also have their roots traced back from other languages of Dragonskull, but as it happens there are many words which do not fit the historical structure of Elvish nor any other language that persist within it. These words and phrases are a hot topic of contention and remain among the biggest mysteries of the Elves.