Dwarven history in The life of Dark | World Anvil

Dwarven history

The dwarves are a proud race willing to drink, party, and show off their crafts that they make. The dwarves dovote their whole lifespan to a certain specialty, whichever it may be, will usually pursue it until death.   The dwarves started in MT. Iron for it's overubondance of earthly material making their settlement there. Thus they had relatively friendly relations with every kingdom, until a frightening discovery was made. Beval Boros King and expert fighter for his craft of the dwarves. While Beval was in charge of his kingdom a time of peace and prosperity had befalen them. Thus rendering the king bored, seeking adventure Beval left his kingdom to traverse the world. Unbeknownst to Beval and most of the kingdom under MT. Iron a portal had been discovered; with the portal the downfall of the dwarves.   The dwarves hadn't known it yet, nor would they realize the portal was the demise of their home. The citizens had rendered Beval responsible to the downfall of the kingdom. While only Chrysantha, Kasa-Li, Gru-Gor, Mara, Prince Lokhev, and Jaros Slick knew about the portal. Fearing the peoples backlash they allowed them to think Beval was the reason for the downfall. Now the portal sucks and saps all of the magic out of MT. Iron, depleting the land of it's innate magical energy.