Nozamere Character in The Library of Dekash | World Anvil


Nozamere is strongly built even for a Dwarf. With her trusty hammer, Feather, passed down through her family, she was a top engineer working on rebuilding Randgriz after the plague.   With free time as the rebuilding winded down, she developed a side interest in elemental magics; with which she helped develop magical cooling systems for the Randgriz mines using magical engines holding open portals to the plane of Air. With several awards from the Emperor himself for outstanding public service, the Randgriz Government was happy to recommend her as an engineer for the new fleet of ships.   She went on after the war to continue upgrading Loredasan infrastructure with her mentor Tandil Eranthur until his death. Her work continues to push the standards of living for Lordasan people and has been instrumental for helping Randgriz bounce back as an Empire.
Current Location
Year of Birth
121 ARLH 155 Years old
Aligned Organization


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