Karakas Character in The Library of Dekash | World Anvil


After the death of the last member of the ruling family of Spike Isle in the Sapphire Isles, a moot was held to decide which family would take leadership of the isle. Karakas had been a popular figure on the islands and so he was nearly unanimously picked. When Lord Valthiem of the isles passed and a moot was held among the island's leadership, the young Karakas entered himself into the running.   His entry was unexpected, as it was already out of the ordinary for there to be a Jarl outside the original founding families let alone a Lord of the Isles. Despite all of that, he made a strong respectable case and was chosen as the first Salamander Lord of the Isles. His daughter continues to lead the country after his short life.
Current Location
Year of Birth
200 ARLH 76 Years old


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