Flare Character in The Library of Dekash | World Anvil


Her mother Cinder was forced to leave her egg behind when she was being hunted down, but her friend Myzilith watched the egg until she was found by Gallese who would become her adopted father.   They adventured together with Flare inheriting her mother's curiosity about the way mortals live being satisfied by Gallese's teachings. Together they left for Iocrias where they ended up joining with the Terrasque Slayers. During their adventures Flare met with Myzilith who told her about her mother's secret history and the legacy Flare would follow.   Over the course of her adventure she lost Gallese to an attack by a Wyrm, found the brother she never knew she had in Nukilik, and reunited with her mother when she became the wielder of Scarlet. She assisted in killing the Terrasque and defeated Shadir - God of Hatred and Asch Figthorn during the Ereburst.   She now lives in Haven with another long lost brother Aien Yinvyre where her and Nukilik are free to be their dragon forms without prejudice.   She fought bravely defending Loredas during The Nothing War.
Year of Birth
218 ARLH 58 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Parents (Adopting)
Aligned Organization


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