Session 1: A Noble Request Report Report in The Leyden Nexus | World Anvil

Session 1: A Noble Request Report

Written by TannerW

General Summary

  • Started in Honeywell
  • Noble described the dead are unrestful at Honeywell's sacred burial ground that they call The Spire of Rest
  • Spire is actually a mountain... not really an actually constructed Spire.
  • Noble would like for us to find out why the dead are disturbed and eliminate the issue. Ultimately, allowing the dead to rest again.
  • Noble tells us of a campground halfway between town and the spire where we can rest at.
  • Bran required that he not walk. So a donkey was procured from the tavernkeep that Bran is currently working a residency for.
  • Got to camp.
  • Smelling poop at the campsite.
  • During the night at the campsite scary and harmful rain started and dealt damage to the party.
  • Animals know best during inclement weather... so the party followed Betty which led them to take shelter in a nearby cave
  • Cave happened to have a magically sealed door in it
  • Door was unlocked with an arcana check
  • Bran's ex-boyfriend which is a revenant shows up so the party runs into the door for shelter and seals it shut... This is irrelevant to the campaign, but Bran is forever being chased by revenant ex-boyfriends.
  • party realizes that since the seal was on the outside of the door, they are unsure how to actually unlock it from the inside. So, they believe they might be stuck in this unknown place for now
  • the party is attacked by animated skeletons
  • party finds a room acting as an office
  • Found notes that were written by an individual names Zelver in the office. It is apparent that this is Zelver's office
  • Zelver is practicing necromancy and has found a spell that generates storms to repel creatures from the cave where he is conducting his experiments.
  • Zelver states in his notes that he should draft up a backup plan as he did not have one at the time of writing the notes being reviewed
  • Magically scroll labeled "backup plan" was found on Zelver's desk. It was pushed that the scroll not be read as it looked sketchy. The party used mage hand to place the sketch scroll into Gram's pack.
  • party finds Zelver's experimentation room. The scene is gruesome. There are two unconscious elves in a cage in this room and a dead one on the experimentation table
  • The skeletons continue to come... they seem to sense intruders and are assigned to dispatch them.
  • Campaign
    Rise of the Necronamcer
    Report Date
    14 Nov 2022
    Secondary Location
    Related Characters


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