Tee in The Leitan Peninsula | World Anvil


AKA The Lawful Arbiter1

Perception (Appearance)

Tee appears as an immense, luminous being with geometric patterns of light that constantly shift across its form. It emanates an aura of order and structure. Though the appearance is multi prismatic, there is a definite order and predictability in the coloring.


Tee resides in the cosmic miasma, where Tee's presence is associated with the fundamental laws that govern the universe. Tee is often depicted as the weaver of fate and the architect of cosmic order. When people on The Peninsula speak of fate, they are actually invoking the name of Tee.
Though lawful, Tee is very evil by mortal standards. Tee is manupulative and hands on regarding The Peninsula. Tee will take steps to see Tee's plans come to fruition. If a mortal can properly grasp Tee's goal, they can most likely predict how Tee will react to any new perturbations to Tee's plans.

Role in Creation

Tee, in Tee's lawful nature, meticulously crafted the blueprints of the universe, establishing the rules that govern the behavior of matter, energy, and life. Tee's actions are precise and deliberate, ensuring a sense of balance and harmony in the cosmic design.
Tee is responsible for most of the waters and rivers, more importantly Tee is responsible for the waters always flowing downhill. Tee is responsible for mountains being high and never low. Tee is responsible for the sun rising in the east every day and not from some random direction.


Tee is one of the three Eldritch Entities. All eldrich entities primarily manipulate only one segment of the spectrum of Primal Miasma. Hu is known for manipulation of Ingeniare Miasma.

1. From Commedia Dell'divini vol. VI, Blickle the Elder
"Communicating with any of the Eldritch Entities is a chore. Communcating with Tee is like trying to recite a novel to your Draconic language instructor on the third day of class while being critiqued."
— Startex Moonglyder


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