Majora Character in The Legends Alliance Chronicles | World Anvil
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Majora is a being of chaos and malice. It originally dwelled -- or "gestated" -- inside a moon known as Luna Majoris. The rocky exterior of this moon was a hard shell protecting the entity within, while the interior was twisted organic matter and foul magic. A living abomination. During this time, Majora was known as the Sleeping God Who Whispers in Dreams by ancient societies, as Majora was able to contact others while still unborn.   Luna Majoris crashed into the world roughly one thousand years before the formation of the Hegemony, resulting in the destruction of Clocktown and the ruination of the northern Termina Fields. Majora was freed by the impact, unleashed onto the world as a newborn god.   Majora's birth coincided with the creation of Malice; as the twisted flesh within Luna Majoris mingled with the forbidden magic of Demise during the events of the lunar impact. Malice has since become a highly corrupt substance that infects others and poisons the land.   It is theoretically the only god to dwell on the Material Plane directly, though its whereabouts are unknown.    

Divine Role

Majora is a malevolent trickster entity. It deliberately causes evil and mischief, delighting in the suffering of anyone who would dare oppose it or hinder its followers. Majora has stated that it believes people should follow their impulses and base instincts whenever possible. And that one should not compromise on those desires for the sake of other people.   To this end, Majora seems to govern social maliciousness or hedonism -- a deliberately harmful evolution of the natural chaos that Lazu governs. Hurt without reason. Lazu has gone so far as to suggest that Majora intends to dethrone them as the new Lord of Chaos.    Or, perhaps, Majora is still too young to have found its place in the world, and lashes out violently as a result.

Divine Domains

  • Moon Domain
  • Trickery Domain
  • Arcana Domain

Tenets of Faith

  • Fulfill all your personal desires; society's wishes are irrelevant
  • Bring misery or death to your enemies; make them regret ever crossing you
  • Kindle hope in unwanted souls, for they deserve to know life's grandeurs

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Majora's goals are yet unknown, and much of its nature is inherently chaotic, though it seems to have a vested interest in nurturing relationships with other "lost children" in the world. And giving them the power to change things as they see fit.
Divine Classification
Lesser Deity


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