Leo Crimson Character in The Legends Alliance Chronicles | World Anvil
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Leo Crimson

A captain with the Lost Woods, Leo Crimson is the leader of the Snakeheads, an elite guerrilla warfare unit. He wields an enchanted battle axe called White Eyes Kao and a musket for ranged combat. He is a dwarf with ginger hair and mighty beard. Compared to most dwarves, he has a slim and agile build, allowing him to move swiftly across battlefields.   Leo is one of the youngest -- yet also one of the most inspiring -- leaders of the Lost Woods. He has a genuine love of his comrades and goes above and beyond to ensure their safety in a dangerous situation. He is also very eager to work with others and build up alliances.   Somewhat distrustful of magic, Leo focuses his attention on mastering battle tactics and conventional warfare. He takes great pride in the martial legacy of the Lost Woods and their ability to seize victory from the clutches of defeat.    

Current Goals

Normally, Leo would be leading raids against Olimandias soldiers. But undead Hall of Heroes legionnaires have risen from ancient crypts and seem to be marching in the direction of the Lost Woods. Allegedly, this was started when Gabe -- under the influence of Hoo'Ax'Dyuu -- opened a sealed tomb. But the Lost Woods was not yet been able to understand the nature of the curse.   Leo directed his efforts to finding out the nature of this dilemma, and teamed up with an elderly Labyrinth veteran named Ballard to investigate ruins in the old battlefields between Roslen and Hatena. There, they and the party discovered that Jericho had harnessed the power of an ancient Clocktown shrine -- and a Yiga monk sealed within -- to unlock a "kind of immortality." The shrine also indicated that the soldiers of Jericho's legion would be loyal to him even after death. If Gabe truly did release Jericho from his tomb, then that could be the source of the undead plague.   Leo has returned to the Forest Temple just in time to meet with our heroes yet again!  


Fighter: Scout subclass (UA).
Neutral Good
Year of Birth
692 PC 41 Years old
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Common, Dwarven, Sylvan


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