Hylia Character in The Legends Alliance Chronicles | World Anvil
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Creation of Time and Society

Hylia is the Goddess of Time and the mother of society.   After the Golden Goddesses created the world, they needed to set that world into motion. By combining their strengths, they created Hylia to complete this important cosmic function. Hylia then invented the flow of time so that the world could change, grow, and prosper. Nearly every function on the Material Plane - from plate tectonics to evolution to seasonal changes - relies on time.   Hylia roamed the world in its earliest days, and saw the potential for even greater splendor. She invited many of her ancient elven companions from the Feywild to join her on the Material Plane, where they could build a society and protect the land from the evils that would inevitably try to invade from other realms. These ancient elven settlers would become the Hylian race. She blessed them with many gifts, such as innate heroism or telepathy, to aid them in their journeys. Time, after all, is also the driving force behind civilization.   Once her followers established the earliest societies, Hylia chose to withdraw from the world. She now stands guard against cosmic threats from the Far Realm and other dangerous planes -- especially against the ongoing machinations of the Demon King, who seeks to dethrone her.      

Creation of Lazu and Diel

New gods are often born alongside the creation of a new fundamental force. By creating the flow of time, Hylia inadvertently created two gods to represent the opposing forces of change -- order and chaos. Two elements that impact everything from the biosphere to, perhaps especially so, the greater nature of society.   After Hylia departed the world, Lazu and Diel worked in harmony for some time. Diel provided society with structure and balance. Lazu prevented things from growing stagnant and delighted in caring for individuals who inevitably did not "fit" into established patterns. But their opposing natures eventually led to conflict, and so Hylia's "sons" soon found themselves going to war.

Divine Domains

  • Light Domain
  • Peace Domain
  • Arcana Domain
  • Knowledge Domain

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The Hylian Crest; a bird depicting the crimson loftwing underneath the Triforce of the Golden Goddesses.

Tenets of Faith

  • Protect the world from those who would do it harm.
  • Show kindness and compassion to others.
  • Grow and thrive in harmony with creation.
Divine Classification
Lawful Good


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