Clocktown Organization in The Legends Alliance Chronicles | World Anvil
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Once a global superpower in the northern Termina Fields, Clocktown was completely destroyed during an event called The Moonfall in the year 1000 AC. Clocktown's legacy remains strong through northern Verden -- its many innovations and developments have influenced numerous nations and domains. Relics recovered from the ancient city-state are also considered premium artifacts by private collectors.  


Origins and Early Era

Clocktown's exact founding date is unknown, though folklore places its origin several centuries before the banishment of the Interlopers to the Twilight Realm. It is situated atop a large hill overlooking vast open fields, suggesting that it began as a primitive hill fortress like the city of Glenien. It became a center of commerce and trade, amassing a large population that rivaled even Olimandias.   Hylia considered it one of the sacred cities of Verden, and the goddess allegedly gave the Clocktown numerous gifts and boons to help civilization flourish. This may have been the foundation for their rapid advancement in technology, as many of their shrines and automated guardians were modeled after Hylia's clockwork weaponry during her war against the Demon King. Likewise, Clocktown had a very tight alliance with the northern Sheikah clans, who were Hylia's divine companions.   In ancient times, there was a subtle competition between Clocktown and Olimandias to see which city would ultimately become more powerful. Clocktown also had a bitter rivalry with Arctic Realm, a mysterious domain in the extreme north.  

Late Era

By the year 1000 AC, Clocktown had become more advanced than contemporary society, with elaborate machinery seemingly powered by the energies of the Sacred Realm. Its Guardian and Guardian Scout automatons were forces to be reckoned with on ancient battlefields -- weapons that no typical soldier could match. The city also built numerous shrines around the continent -- subtle structures that housed self-contained demiplanes within. One such shrine was located not far from the modern city of Hatena and was dedicated to lunar research.  


Researchers noticed that Luna Majoris, the "second moon" that once orbited Verden, was straying from its designated path in the sky. They calculated that it would impact northern Verden somewhere in the Termina Fields. The city's top minds began to plan a defense. They designed elaborate clockwork giants to destroy Luna Majoris before it could strike the planet -- intending to break it into smaller and more manageable debris.   The city's non-essential personnel voluntarily evacuated before the moon grew dangerously close, though many chose to remain behind to aid in the defense efforts.   This plan was undermined by followers of the Demon King, who wished to destroy Clocktown. He sent the Yiga Clan and other loyalists to corrupt the magic powering the giants, giving Demise control of the great machines. When the moon drew near, the giants would stand down and allow it to strike the city. Something surprised all factions involved, however. The moon was the organic shell of a great abomination, Majora, and its interior was full of twisted and vile flesh. Majora escaped after the moon struck Clocktown, and the organic matter within the former moon combined with the Demon King's magic to create a dangerous new substance -- Malice.   Clocktown was completely destroyed by the fall of Luna Majoris.    

Culture and Magic

Much knowledge has been lost regarding Clocktown's social structure, day-to-day life, and values. However, various schools of magic and learning were preserved by the great city's survivors. Legend has it that Clocktown's greatest mages and warriors used enchanted masks to augment their abilities in battle.   More certain, however, is that Clocktown harnessed the power of music to cast spells and other incantations. Bards are among the oldest practitioners of magic and assert that the foundational threads of the cosmos are rooted in divine music. St. Abras College in Roslen specializes in this College of Creation magic, and claims direct lineage from Clocktown's bards.    Further examples of this magic can be found in ancient legendary instruments that can perform a variety of wonders -- from casting spells, to teleportation, to altering the weather. One of Clocktown's shrines was activated by playing a certain tune that had been written down for travelers.


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