The lands of myth Soulblighter sacks Covenant
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Soulblighter sacks Covenant

Disaster / Destruction


Soulblighter sacks covenant. The royal family flees.

Mauriac was prince regent here during King Alric's adolescence, and knows of an underground tunnel just outside the city which leads to Shoal, a village four miles away down the coast. The King's family used it to escape Covenant when Soulblighter leveled the city twelve years ago, and today we hope it will help us elude The Watcher.   "Iri trekked for three days through Ghol haunted hills, eating as he walked, sleeping between footfalls; he ran for the last 5 hours, traversing the 26 mile wide corpse-filled morass ringing Covenant..."   After the armies of The Province were finally broken at Covenant, the survivors scattered among the free cities of the North, taking their arms with them.