The lands of myth The Phantom Hounds infiltrate Muirthemne
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The Phantom Hounds infiltrate Muirthemne

Military action


The Phantom Hounds Regiment begins its rescue mission of Eight Coyote Comet by infiltrating Muirthemne.

Tuesday March 17, Sixth Year of the War; The Barrier: People told me how big this damned desert was, but I never really understood. The entire heart of the old empire, and then some, all nothing but sand and rock. If the Fallen Lords were capable of this, then I can't understand how there's still a soul left alive in all the world. Maybe it's because forty years ago, when all this happened, was the only time they were ever really unified. Or maybe the easy victory just left them disgusted and bored. In any case, we've arrived. We spent the past four months in preparation, filling our numbers after the losses we suffered at the Toven and honing the new men until they shone like the edge of a Heron's sword. Now that we're scores of miles from the nearest Legion outpost, with no danger of the word spreading, the Captain has revealed our mission to us. Everyone knows the story of how the Heron Guard became the Journeymen, imposing a heavy penance upon themselves after the fall of Muirthemne. In this, they were led by a man Eight Coyote Comet, one of the oldest members of the Guard and one of its greatest heroes. The victories he and his new Journeymen won over the Dark, even after they had buried their swords, are the stuff of legend. But then he vanished. Five months ago, word reached Maeldun that Eight Coyote Comet was still alive, held captive in the catacombs under Muirthemne by Reiner, one of Balor's shades. No one knows why they haven't killed him, but the Journeymen say that Eight Coyote was a prophet of some kind, and the Dark may want to make use of his knowledge. We're to free him and bring him back to Maeldun and preferably to deal with Reiner in the process, though I doubt the shade will give us any choice in the matter. Everything is almost in place. The main body of our troops is within a week's striking distance of Muirthemne, and we sent a small force ahead to secure one of the old walled imperial waypoints. Unfortunately, we've had no word from them, which doesn't bode well. The Captain is personally leading a squadron to investigate. We've been through the fire, and we've been chosen. Our greatest mission is about to begin.

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