The lands of myth Attack on Rushback Outpost
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Attack on Rushback Outpost

Military action


Forces of the Fallen Lord known as the Tormentor attack the Phantom Hounds Regiment stationed at Rushback Outpost along the River Toven.

Sunday October 12th, Fifth Year of the War; Rushback Outpost: Once, we were mighty. I remember our service under Cormorant, five years ago. We were the most elite fighting force in the legion. A balm to alleviate the loss of the fallen Heron Guard. The name Phantom Hounds could have become one to fill our friends with hope and our enemies with dread, and make even the Fallen Lords glance nervously into every dark corner and jump at every movement in the shadows. Our glory could have been endless. Wyrd only knows, maybe we could have even changed this war. But Cormorant has been dead all these years, and few remain who fought for him. Maeldun loves his army, and has little use for a crack special operations team. We're scattered all over this half of the Cloudspine and its foothills, performing guard duty to free up the regulars for Maeldun's battles. Rushback Outpust is actually a part of fortresses, situation on either side of the canyon formed by the River Toven as it pours down from its source higher up. Further up the river is Bagrada, which is why this place exists; it would be a hard trek up into the pass, but it's possible, and a back route in is exactly what the Fallen need. We may be forgotten, but we have not forgotten ourselves. We train until our bodies ache and we choke on the canyon dust, and then we train some more. We remember the old ways; we remember how to ambush and sneak and pierce an enemy camp to its heart. And someday, we may get our chance again. Communications with the west bank fortress have been lost. We fear the worst; a force is being sent to investigate.

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