Provincial Ethnicity in The Lands of Myth | World Anvil
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The people west of the Cloudspine, who reside in an area known as the Province. They are a strong, hardy people who vary widely in their appearance. Primarily, they are of light to olive skin tone, with hair being everything from light to dark.

Naming Traditions

Masculine names

Adalard, Curran, Derek, Ajax, Avis, Barret, Kenway, Bevan, Bevis, Montago, Moliere, Billie, Brenainn, Calhoun, Casey, Cathal, Aldwyn, Allard, Chadwick, Aethelweard, Garner, Cillian, Alyce, Conlan, Eadgar, Edmee, Beald, Brady, Cormac, Donagh, Duncan, Loring, Nealon, Ewan, Nels, Garwin, Kalevi, Neel, Kearney, Murrough, Niall, Bramwell, Mather, Malthus, Owen, Ramsay, Sigmund, Sloan, Thayer, Trahern, Ulrich, Warner, Hector, Kay, Malory, Naram, Pelleas, Macaualy, Strephon, Tarquin, Alisander, Alexander, Clairemonde, Darras, Floridas, Gahalatine, Lucan, Melias, Tristram, Gareth, Kaherdin, Gaheris, Sansloy, Kearney, Thomas, Henry, Eadwine, Herbert, Gregory, Geoffry, John, Mark, Phillip, Paul, Robert, Edmund, Matthew, Richard, Louis, James, Cale, Denis, Thomas, Garin, Aubry, Alvar, Petrarch, Wyclif, John, Jerome, Jaques, Edward, Bartholomew, Herbert, Henry, Bernard, Peter, Raymond, Leo, Michael, Charles, Olivier, Ludolf, Gislebert, Godfrey, Victor, Adrian, Karl, Anselm, Haroun, Constantine, Bernhard, Hadrian, Augustine, Albinus, Gregori, Brun
Encompassed species


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