Jay Character in The Lady Warrior Saga | World Anvil
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D'Mique studied the crying willowy female folded against the Earth Master's chest. She had a flowing red crest of hair that stood about three inches high on the top of her triangular head and trailed, wet, down her back, falling to her knees. The skin along her head and arms was a dull light gray, blending and fading to white on her neck, underarms and hands. She wore a diaphanous turquoise top and a short matching skirt, both wet and clinging to her muscular form—every inch of her skin visible through the cloth. Startled and suddenly embarrassed, D'Mique averted her eyes for a moment before realizing that there was nothing to be embarrassed about. "She's a shark Semian," D'Mique thought taking a second look at the newcomer's asexual form. Shark Semians had no human parts to hide, and any clothing they chose to wear was for an observer's comfort.   The Wind Mistress, Jay is a piscian Semian. She is older than Myrth but has deferred to him to lead the Elemental Masters while she spends the majority of her time playing with magical creations. She is the reclusive inventor of the group. Her creations include the talking jars and enchanted windows and doors. Like Nepo, she has no nearby settlements to govern so does not need to spend any time on courts and formalities. She surrounds herself with her griffins (Her beast to call) and avian semians. The piscian Semians live on an island chain off the coast of the mainland.

Character Portrait image: by Sherrie Bakelar Built with Portraitworks


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