Order of the Blazing Sun Organization in The Known World: Over the Edge of Redoute | World Anvil

Order of the Blazing Sun

A relatively small order, the Knights of the Blazing Sun are also known as the Templars of Myrmidia because of their devotion to the warrior deity, Myrmidia. Largely unknown in the lands of the Known World, it was only through the strangest of chances that the Order's worship of that martial-minded goddess began at all. During the Crusades against Bandit Lord, Emir Wazir the Cruel and his Black Horde, threescore Knights from Dolfsburg lent their aid toward the recapturing of the Temple of Myrmidia in Krieger's Rest  the southern seaport of the Known World. During the fierce fighting around the temple, a violent earth tremor shook the building and dislodged the vast bronze statue of Myrmidia that was fixed on its topmost steeple. The statue fell to the ground, smashed into a thousand fragments, and flattened Emir Wazir the Cruel and his Black Scimitar Guard. With their leader slain, the Black hordes abandoned the temple and left it in the hands of the Knights. Whether this incident was actually divine intervention has been widely disputed, but to those Knights who fought in the temple, it was unquestionably Myrmidia herself who intervened against the savage Bandit tyrant. Upon returning to Dolfsburg, the noble veterans of that battle founded the Order of the Blazing Sun and built a shrine to Myrmidia in the heart of their city. Though many folk mistrust them for courting strange deities, the Knights of the Blazing Sun have unceasingly fought with distinction against any enemies looking to oppress and enslave the common folk and are held as a prized ally by any who prize peace.
Military, Knightly Order


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