Monetary System in the Known World Item in The Known World: Over the Edge of Redoute | World Anvil

Monetary System in the Known World

The Last Remains of a Dead Empire

The only form of minted currency in the Known World are the Old Empire coins. With all the silver and gold mines veins running dry back while still under the last emperor, these coins have become the most valued by nobility and the wealthy. There are two coins, silver Thalers and gold Thalers. 10 silver Thalers make one gold Thaler. *Note: conversion to standard D&D monetary system, one silver Thaler is the equivalent to one platinum coin, so a gold Thaler is worth 10 platinum coins (100 gold coins).
Item type
Currency & Deeds
“Gold is not suited for the lower nobility, let alone the serfs!” Coinage is not a common currency for the layman in the Known World. From the lowly serf in his field to the grocer hawking in wares in the village green, most peoples barter for their goods and services. So make sure to bring along some nails or maybe a goat or two.


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