The known world Tao-Shun Overthrows the Dark Shamans, and the Birth of Goblins

Tao-Shun Overthrows the Dark Shamans, and the Birth of Goblins


C. -3,100

The Dark Shaman caste find scarce sources of life force to which they fuel their necromancy. Out of addiction and paranoia, they begin to turn on their own people in secret. They begin to drain the life force from stolen orcish children and leave them to the wilderness to fend for themselves. The corruption stunts the children's growth and they learn to become savage and wild, seeking safety in caves. They will eventually evolve into goblins   Kusatta and his caste's monstrous plot is soon discovered by Tao-Shun, a warrior shaman who'd long had suspicions that the caste were not fit to lead the orcish people. Rallying the rest of his allies, he leads a coup against them, slaughtering them all as punishment for feeding on their children.

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