The known world The Jade Storm

The Jade Storm

Disaster / Destruction

C. -1,100 (Estimated)

During the Day of the Dragon, the Infinus Maledus is unshackled and taken from its holding beneath the Temple of the Celestial Dragon and brought to its summit. There, a cleansing ritual takes place, and praise to the Celestial Dragon is chanted in hopes that the book's corruption is subdued for another year.   At the summit of the Temple of the Celestial Dragon, Suto Bloodfang cuts down the guards and steals the Black Book of Disease. In the middle of absorbing its power, he slays his master and former friend in the center of the chamber.   Escaping Suto's slaughter, the ritual ministers strike the ceremonial gong of the temple, alerting those outside. Bloodfang kills most of the soldiers that rush to aid the emperor until only a lone warrior remains, using Suto's own blade to cut him down in the middle of his own absorption ritual.   Suto's death wail triggers the Jade Storm, releasing the energies of the Black Book of Disease.   The storm spreads out in a shockwave, turning the sea between Kin Zhu Isle and the mainland into solid jade, and the Taolong Forests, and the creatures within it, to stone.   The echoes of the death wail itself last hours.