Leovyr Character in The Known World | World Anvil


Sister Snow-Leopard, the Lone Huntress, the Spirit of the Snow-Leopard, Sister Leovyr, and Sister Leopard. These are among Leovyr's names and titles. She is a solitary spirit of tactics, stealth, and cunning, and is seen as a fierce symbol of independence who admires the employment of stealth and strategy while hunting.   She is embraced by those seeking to hunt alone, using the environment and strategic prowess to their advantage. Through her teachings, she reminds people that sometimes the best approach is the one least expected and rewards those who wear their opponents down or surprise them in combat, avoiding sight with ease while seizing opportune moments to strike.   She is seen as an older and temperamental sister associated with the fierce, adolescent desires for independence. Because of this, Eonir and Leovyr are frequently imagined as twin sister spirits of youthfulness and self-determination. It is due to this desire to be a lone huntress that the values of Leovyr often clash with those of Lupern, who teaches the benefits of brotherhood and companionship.   Leovyr rewards cunning and masterful displays of tactical genius that avoid the detection of foes and prey alike. In the eyes of Leovyr, a good hunt is determined by a swift and silently executed kill.


Leovyr is often depicted as a great, white snow leopard stalking low to the ground. Her visages are often carved into wood of stone within hidden, dark spots in dense forests and near the dens of snow-leopards. Other places of the world depict her as different species of large, predatory cats. The Sharr people believe her to take the form of a great jungle jaguar or panther. Other Sharr tribes see her as a great lioness.

Tenants of Faith

To those who revere the teachings of Leovyr, stealth, tactics, and independence are paramount to a successful hunt. She teaches self-sufficiency in everyday life and to always be prepared for the worst, but hope for the best.   You can depend only upon yourself. Realize one's solitary potential. While companions are helpful, they are prone to mistakes that you cannot control. Realize the strengths of the lone hunter, for this is the path of self-sufficiency. When hunting alone, failure or success is determined from your own potential and not from the actions of a pack. Rely not on others for protection, for mistakes comes easily, but on the skills of camouflage, deception, and secrecy.   Keep to the shadows. Darkness is a cloak of safety. The darkness is comforting and everlasting, and but provides a mantle for the blade in the night. With silent stride and hidden hand, stalk your prey from out of sight and keep one's distance whenever possible. Examine your prey from afar and strike only when the time is right and their guard is down.   Tacticians determine successful hunts. Plan ahead. A successful hunt is determined by those with the best planning, strategy, and tactics, regardless of the odds. Any fool can snatch defeat from the jaws of victory with fortune's aid. Only a master strategist can ensure a successful kill. Losing sight of prey does not necessarily indicate a failed hunt. Seek out your prey's weaknesses and recognize your own; avoid your prey's strengths and play to your own. Only by focusing one's own strengths on the prey's vulnerabilities can triumph be ensured. In times of war prepare for peace; in times of peace prepare for war. Seek out your enemy's enemies as allies, and be prepared to compromise. Life is an endless series of skirmishes with occasional outbreaks of war. Be ready — and have a contingency plan.

Followers of Leovyr

The followers of the Lone Huntress can be loosely divided into two camps, outcasts, and isolated primitive tribes.   Followers of Leovyr are regarded with a great deal of suspicion in most societies, for many of her followers in such areas are considered to be little better than outlaws, even if their exile is voluntary. Her followers primarily of outcasts and small tribes of wild hunters, and, as such, has little in the way of formal hierarchy. Among other races, Leovyr and her followers are either unknown or spoken of as wandering nomads who are better left undisturbed.   Members of Leovyr's clergy instruct their fellows in the skills taught by her, including how to spy, survive on their own, engage in deceptions and guerrilla tactics, and use poisons to take down enemies with subtlety, but otherwise, they have few formal responsibilities aside from ensuring their personal survival. Many members of her clergy are rangers or rogues. Leovyr is also worshiped by skilled wartime tacticians. Although Leovyr serves all sides in battle, northern tribes perceive her as an ally of those who use small numbers of brave defenders to triumph through superior intelligence and foresight.   Some worshippers of Leovyr serve as strategic advisors among the warrior ranks of the Vaskarr often as information gatherers, spies, and assassins. Some are quartermasters skilled at obtaining and maintaining supply lines over hostile territory.   When not on duty or hunting, priests and shamans of Leovyr are known for their love of gaming. Although they avoid games of chance that require luck instead of tactical brilliance, priests of the Lone Huntress strive to constantly improve their skills in abstract games of all sorts to further sharpen strategic thought and their ability to read an opponent's intentions.   Some of Leovyr's followers prefer living the independent life of being a singular blade for hire. Solo mercenary work provides a comfortable degree of freedom for a follower of the Leopard Spirit, and their famously brilliant tactics and abilities to stay hidden make them renowned as some of the best assassins and scouts.   Most commonly, the Sharr people see Leovyr as their sole goddess. They believe that she taught them to hunt as cubs during the earliest eons of the world.
Solitude, Stealth, Tactics, Opportunism, Snow Leopards
Divine Classification
Wild Spirit
Chaotic Neutral


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