Dwarven Pantheon Organization in The Known World | World Anvil

Dwarven Pantheon

The religion of the dwarves is at the root of the societal roles that dwarves follow. Where most other creatures view their deities as ultrapowerful beings who stand forever apart from their worshipers, the dwarves worship their past ancestors and heroes as exceptional members of their people—exemplars who blaze a path for their lives to follow. The Dwarven gods are known by outsiders as the Dwarven Pantheon, but to dwarves, they are officially referred to as 'The Ancestrals'.   They believe that the spirits of the dwarven ancestors watch over them, guide their actions, judge their achievements and determine if they have led worthy lives. Duun is the most widely revered of these ancestral spirits, and the epitome of everything dwarves must strive to be. He is the primary and first ancestor god of all dwarven-kind, and considered the greatest among them, at least among the surface dwarves. Deep-dwarves revere Nogduur Ashbight as the greatest ancestor of their own people, believed to rival the status of even Duun himself. It is commonly believed by both dwarves and deep-dwarves that the spirits of Nogduur and Duun clash eternally beyond the veil, seeking dominance over one another for the hearts, souls, and minds of the dwarven race.   Mortrim was one of the first ancestral gods alongside Duun. His voice was instrumental in the exile of Kusatta from ancient Meyland. He was one of the first dwarven shamans who revered the ancient spirits through the practice of Soul Magic first discovered by Kusatta, but reviled the methods practiced by the Dark Shaman and the rest of his coven, who tortured and warped the exalted spirits to suit their needs. In death, the memory of Mortrim lived on in dwarven history, and he became an ancestral god. A guardian of the dead, graves, and spirits.   Lesser ancestral Gods and Goddesses include Gundrim, the primary dwarven ancestor god of engineering, magic, and scholars, who propelled dwarven technology ahead centuries by revolutionizing the mining industry.   Haelga, the lifelong and loyal wife of Duun, became the ancestral goddess of hearth, home, motherhood, queens, and healing. She was the first dwarven priestess and had a fiery and bold demeanor, but was also a caring protector.   Khazmorg became a lesser dwarven ancestor god of storms, fury, warriors strength, and hunting after the The War of the Undying. He was a legendary dwarven shaman and warrior who ascended Ruin's Peak during the final invasion of Kalki Isle, alongside a number of other legendary heroes, and slew the lich, Vauldis.   Ralof is the lesser dwarven ancestor god of trickery, guile, greed, thieves, and brewing. All know the tales woven about the great Ralof, who stole the Dragonstone, the most valuable treasure from the hoard of Glacius, a legendary White Dragon. He returned to the High King of the Silver Kingdom with the spoils of his travels to much revelry and celebration. The dwarves celebrate the Festival of Fire in his honor, and the Dragonstone sits upon the Silver Crown to this day.

Table of Ancestral Gods

Deity Alignment Provinces Suggested Domains Common Symbol
Gundrim N Lesser ancestor-god of innovation, engineering, history, magic Arcana, Knowledge, Forge, A circle of runes
Duun LN Greater ancestor-god of dwarves, law, craftsmanship, runecraft, mining, royalty, kings, mountains, fatherhood, oaths Order, Forge A hammer and anvil
Haelga NG Lesser ancestor-goddess of hearth, home, motherhood, queens, fertility, healing, good harvests Light, Life, Peace, A crowned motherly figure
Khazmorg CN Lesser ancestor-god of the skies, storms, fury, battle, warriors, war, strength, hunting, wilderness Tempest, Nature, War A bolt of lightning striking a battle axe
Mortrim N Greater ancestor-god of death, spirits, the afterlife, old age Grave, Life An entrance to a dwarven tomb
Nogduur Ashbight NE Greater ancestor-god of deep-dwarves, change, uprising, cruelty, freedom, tyranny, hunger, vengeance Death, War, Trickery A bearded dwarven skull
Ralof CN Lesser ancestor-god of merriment, brewing, greed, guile, trickery, mischief, wealth Trickery A gold beer stein
Religious, Pantheon
Permeated Organizations

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