The First Massacre Military Conflict in The Kingdom | World Anvil
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The First Massacre

The new King's first orders when he ascended to throne were simple: Kill every last magic user, their family, their friends, and their supports. Despite the King's young age, he knew what he wanted done. And who is the military to defy their King? Especially after the death of the late King and the majority of the royal family, all seemingly at the hands of Magi. Anyone in the military to dissent was sent to execution, as was anyone already known to fit into one of those categories. The Kingdom was plunged into a state of fear and hate for five years, as the Royal Guard and other high-ranking military personnel were sent throughout the Kingdom to do as their King wished. It was a terrifying time for all. Either you were persecuted and sent to a swift execution or you were afraid of a magic-user or lover of magic would kill you in retribution for what was being done. It was a dark time indeed, but after five years, it was determined that the Magi were no more. When it was determined that the time of killing was over, the King made several more changes. He had been working on these new laws during the five years of death but had not put them out until the chaos died down. The laws were simple: No magic. No court Mage. No books of magic. Even science, non-magical science, was at risk of being burned. If the King or someone Royal didn't understand what was in the book, it was deemed a threat to be destroyed. There was much knowledge lost this way.

The Conflict


The death of the previous King and near-total-annihilation of the Royal Family.


The whole of the Kingdom.
Conflict Type
Military Campaign
Battlefield Type
Start Date
0 New Era
Ending Date
5 New Era
Conflict Result
Magi forced underground.

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