The City of Skubak Settlement in The Kingdom of Ntiklon | World Anvil

The City of Skubak (Skubak: sku-bak)

Located a bit upriver from the confluence of the two main tributaries of the Fiyek, Skubak is a truly ancient city. It has been lived in continuously for as long as written records exist in Enxe and has been a frequent capital city for many ancient Enxetite dynasties. It is believed to be possibly the oldest still inhabited city in Enxe and is a site of major veneration in regards to the ancient past for the native Enxetites.   Its current name is the rough Pagavenur approximate for the city's modern Enxetite name: Chunwak which translates simply as the Temple. It has been known in the past as Mekneq-yemle (city of the staff) to symbolize its importance as the dynastic capital. Its modern name reflects its current status: Skubak is the center of the Sun God of the Enxetites and the holiest city to the native population. With the heavy patronage the Priesthood as seen under the Ntiklonen Kingdom, the many old temples that cover much of the city are being or have been restored and the city as such sees a near constant stream of pilgrims to its gates every year. It has become a tradition for each newly ascended Monarch to make a pilgrimage to Skubak to worship in the grand temples of the Oldest City, as well as connect and reforge their ties to the local Priesthood for their upcoming reign.   During the War of Liberation, the city and its people where long in favor of the Rebel forces and essentially helped cast out the Imperial occupiers when the Prophet and His army arrived to bring the city into the fold. It became the de facto capital of the Liberation Army during the majority of the War and saw heavy reconstruction by order of the Prophet when final victory had been achieved.
Pronunciation Guide
Skubak: sku-bak
Fiyek: fee-yek
Enxe: en-he
Enxetite: en-he-tight
Pagavenur: pa-ga-ven-ur
Chunwak: choon-wok/choon-wak
Mekneq-yemle: mek-nek yem-le
Ntiklonen: N-ti-klo-nen


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Aug 2, 2023 04:25 by Brian

Enjoyed reading about Skubak. I really like the focus on it being a place for pilgrims and a faithful city. I think it really sets it apart and gives it a larger than life feel. I think the pronunciation guide to the side was a very good choice. I referenced a number of times, actually saying it out loud to solidify it in my head. And at the end I like the tie in to what I assume is your main timeline. It gives some good background and where it is sitting in todays world.

Amateur Writer Professional (Lifelong) DM Your Averge Guy "If you don't have time to read, you don't have the time (or the tools) to write. Simple as that." Stephen King