House of Penthru: Servant's Quarters Building / Landmark in The Kingdom of Khemit | World Anvil
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House of Penthru: Servant's Quarters

The first floor is dark and dusty. The musty smell of decay still lingers, presumably moisture from the river has been getting in here through the bare earth. The walls are scratched up and the clay is flaking in places. Inside are cramped hallways between servant quarters. Each of the servant quarters are not much more than a wooden cot and crumbling privacy wall. On the far left of the floor, there are broken clay pipes descending into the ground. A scattering of chipped pots surrounds a basin near the pipes. And there is a few “Fresh” molding material hanging on and around the pipes. All of this is the remains of a sanitation system of pipes and sewer down from the residential area and out towards the river. Scattered along the floor are bones, broken and brittle. Not sure what happened before the scavengers got to them. Towards the middle of the building you encounter a nest of camel spiders. They have burrowed in from the lower sewers and have made a home in the shade. The offal and remains of the servants provided a light snack and convinced the camel spiders to establish a home here. They will defend as much as possible before retreating to the tomb. There are claustrophobic tunnels from here to the sewers and the tomb. There is a scattering of a 50 copper coins that can be found, but it will take at least 2 hours to sift through the 10 dorm rooms. In the far-right corner is room. Inside are the remains of brooms, rakes, shovels, pots, jars, and tattered clothing. This was the utility closet for the servants for all the daily chores and the uniforms to wear.

Cover image: by Midjourney


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