The Rising Thirst Condition in The Kantas Expanse | World Anvil
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The Rising Thirst

The Galavir Elves have a somewhat awkward relationship with the lake that sustains them presently. The lake was traditionally the source of their food, water and even clothing (see Lakereed Weave), and more than that - was the resting place of their souls upon death. Their very lifecycle was bound inextricably to the lake.   Having since learned that this was all drastically against the natural order and their souls were in fact being harvested for stories by a Marid, and that their souls should never have been bound to a body of water but to the great soul migration with those of all other elves, their former near-worship of Lake Galavir has withered. The elves are still trying to find a way to relate to this lake comfortably, as it still provides all the other staples of their life and so they can't simply ignore or abandon it.   At no point does this become more poignant than with the eldest members of their tribe. The Rising Thirst has always been a part of Galavirian culture - as they approach the end of their life, tribe members become more and more dependent on the waters of the lake to sustain them - going from needing a single glass a day to needing multiple pints. Regardless of their physical health otherwise, this immediately cuts down on the range they can travel, as water supplies run out much faster. Gradually, they become more and more bound to the lakeside over the subsequent years of their life as the Thirst rises. Many dying elves simply walk into the lake one day - always seen as returning to the lake that gave them life.   Now, that practice is seen very differently - elves were not dying in as a part of a natural order, but as part of a spiritual jail that they had been convinced was normal. Becoming bound to the site of their former soul prison as the Thirst still grows is now terrifying and repulsive, even though the prison has been broken and the culprit dead some time. The eldest members of the Galavir are treading a strange path now, trying to understand what this means, if they should even still be so dependent on the lake in the first place.


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