Merdimer and Mortimor Character in The Ivory Vale | World Anvil
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Merdimer and Mortimor

Mortimeer & Murtamor 35hp +1 strength +2 constitution +0 on everything else   Whenever you see this monster make a con saving throw against DC 12 If failed your next attack is -2 damage   Gnaw, 1 d6 damage and a con saving throw 8DC if failed take an extra D4 damage Lunge, Jump from a distance of 7ft and swipe at the target, 1 D6 damage and strength check against DC 8 if failed you fall and must spend your next action getting up.   Disgusting effects A crit or a 19 will cause it to release a lot of gibits and you have to make a DC 15 con saving throw to not barf next turn, (if you barf you cant use your next turn)   If one dies or both are at half HP they combine into a different monster With 20hp   +2 con +2 strength And -2 on all other stats Can use all other attacks but also can spit at the target and poison them for 1d4 -2 per turn for 2 turns.


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