People of the Land Ethnicity in The Island of Éreli | World Anvil
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People of the Land

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Magdalen, Denise, Poppy, Parsley, Carmen

Masculine names

Frank, Ted, Martin, Dominic, Louis, Augustus

Family names

Smith, Leatherman, Black, White, Miner, Woodpecker, Carpenter, Mason, Doubt, Farmer, Springer


Major language groups and dialects

Everybody speaks comon speech with few who know how to read the old speech. But generally only scholars know about that language as it is not practised in verbum but only in scriptum.

Shared customary codes and values

Your family is the most important thing in your life. The familys prosperity is paramount to prosperity of anyone outside your family. You can account some people into your family who are not blood-relatives.

Average technological level

These people can smelt iron, bronze and steel. They can make arches in buildings and are capable of creating glass. They also begin to understand coal and burn it for heating purposes.

Common Etiquette rules

Bow before a higher ranking person, many of these categories have unique structure of competence in themselves: Scholar<Farmer<Craftsman<Guild leader<Soldier<Officer<Church<Nobel man<King

Art & Architecture

There are grand temples. Zigourats and paintings decorating walls of these structures. Scuptures of ancient heroes decorate roads.

Common Customs, traditions and rituals

Greeting people you meet outside your house. Thanking for any and all kinds of services even moving out of your way, anything the individual does that contributes to your situation in a good way and he didn't have to do. Not interupting someone when soken to.

Birth & Baptismal Rites

Varies on the church, common folk burn three candles. CHurch of Énai bathes the children in nearest body of watter.

Funerary and Memorial customs

The body is displayed on common ground so everyone can say goodbye to the person. The body is to stay on display for two to three days and then buried in a coffin underground. Some burn their bodies.

Common Myths and Legends

The comon folk were the first inhabitans of the world as they tie themselves with énami and Énai. They have the legends from the age of heroes. The time before writing they hand down as an oral tradition.

Historical figures

Otho I., Karn the GIantslayer, Sertac the first Ranger etc.


Beauty Ideals

Women should sturdy and plump. Men should be muscular and strong. Clean shaven faces in both sexes.

Gender Ideals

Women are the caretakers. Woman can achieve many roles but will be judged by the way she cares for her family. Men are encouraged to be crafty. Again ideal man is one who takes care for his family.

Courtship Ideals

The man offers himself into the service for the girls father. If he does well enough he will be admited into the family by the father of his loved one and will be able to mary the girl.

Relationship Ideals

One man and one woman are to form a family.
Diverged ethnicities
Languages spoken

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