Edge of the Mans world Geographic Location in The Island of Éreli | World Anvil
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Edge of the Mans world

I stood on the edge of the world and gazed to the north, the horror, the beauty the chaos of war. - Otho I.


The river starts deep under the mountains of evil and runs west to the sea passing Black Tooth in it's delta o its way dividing the land of Northern woods and southern plains . The river Snag splits at the Stork's nest. The split defines the three parts of the river, the meandering eatern side known for the unpredictabe rapids where only elven bridges made for the way across which were torn down in the war of monsters, the canyon of the river after the Stork's nest which is deep and narrow and the delta which is surprisingly shallow and easy to walk across. Some say fourth addition being the underground waters, but generaly this is not mentioned.

Fauna & Flora

Various species of fish, shellfish and other animals typical for the river environment. The banks are usually littered with saplings of birches and wilows peeking from the tall grass surrounding them. Adult trees can be seen sticking from the water as the river moves.

Natural Resources

Gemstones brought up from the underground are often found in the riverbed whenever it changes its course. Wood is often brought down the river as rafts. Raftsmen have many stories of the monsters that live in the deep river. Dragons coming out from under the mountains and more. The river is a great source of food for all human settlements in its course.
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