Mega Damage Capacity Body Armor Material in The Inverted Territories a Rifts RPG story | World Anvil

Mega Damage Capacity Body Armor

It represents a level of technology so advanced that M.D.C. materials
are better than the heavy armor of a 21st Century tank. Nano-technology has even allowed for the
creation of M.D.C. material light enough to be used as body armor by ordinary humans. "Super armor" with
M.D.C. was created before the Great Cataclysm, during the Golden Age of Man, as a countermeasure
to new weapons that inflict Mega Damage.


Material Characteristics

Nano tech composite plastic

Physical & Chemical Properties

Works the same as S.D.C. only it represents a level of technology so advanced that M.D.C.
materials are better than the heavy armor of a 21st Century tank. Nano-technology
has even allowed for the creation of M.D.C. material light enough to be used as body armor by
ordinary humans.


Nano tech composite.

Life & Expiration

However, even M.D.C. body armor only provides so much protection and once its M.D.C. is reduced to zero,
it is reduced to little more than scrap metal. Body armor is so battered and full of holes that it is only
effective against S.D.C. weapons, and barely that, only stopping attacks that roll seven or less to strike.
An attacker' s roll to strike that is 8 or higher hits the body inside the armor.

History & Usage

Manufacturing & Products

North America: Chi-Town (CS), Ishpeming (Northern Gun), Free Quebec (now ex-CS in Canada) and
Wilk's (specializing in laser technology). Are the only ones capable of making any type of M.D.C.
One Mega-Damage (M.D.) point inflicts the equivalent of 100 S.D.C.
7000c per 10M.D.C.
What ever color needed.