Experience Points (Genesys) in The Infosphere | World Anvil
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Experience Points (Genesys)

Measurable growth

Gaining XP

The main way to gain XP is to complete objectives. The GM should clearly outline what the condition of the objective is when the PCs receive the mission.   Objectives can be completed in a variety of ways - violence isn't always the simplest solution, and often has consequences!   Example
Objective: "Bring the engineer closure about why his sister left"
The PCs could find out the truth (that his sister has begun to work in the local brothel) and tell him, or they could provide a lie instead - whether or not they discovered the truth.

If the Player has more than one character, they can choose to distribute half (rounding down, and not XP given for good roleplaying) of the XP from objectives amongst their characters.  

Major Objectives (+15XP)

This includes completing objectives for the main quest and major factions.

Minor Objectives (+5XP)

Completing minor objectives consists of completing stages in the main quest, or finishing missions for smaller factions or less influential people.

Roleplaying (+1XP)

Roleplaying is generally expected, but especially compelling examples or remaining in-character even when it is to your character's detriment can gather a small amount of XP. Playing according to your character's emotional strengths and weaknesses, desires and fears can gain the current character +1XP per Session. Additionally, at the end of a Session the GM might ask the Players to give +1XP to another character whom they think deserves it.

Spending XP

NameXP cost
Increase Characteristic
Character creation only
10 * Number increased to
Increasing Agility from 2 to 3 costs (3*10=)30XP.
Increasing Brawn from 5 to 6 costs ten multiplied by six, which is sixty - therefore it costs 60XP.
Increase Skill5 * Number increased to.
+5 if the skill is not a career skill.
Increasing Mechanics (if it were a career skill) from 0 to 1 costs (1*5=)5XP. Increasing it from 1 to 2 costs (2*5=)10XP.
Increasing Ranged (Light) if it were not a career skill from 2 to 3 costs three multiplied by five (fifteen) plus five, which is twenty - therefore it costs 20XP.
Gain a Talent5 * tier of the Talent
A Tier 1 Talent costs (1*5=)5XP.
A tier four Talent costs four multiplied by five which is twenty - therefore it costs 20XP.

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