Record of Service: Robert Jeff Kelley

  • 214 ak

    A Spark is caught

    Robert Jeff Kelley is born to Walkingfolk parents in the Empty Quarter. He is raised primarily at the Sentinels, creating a lifelong interest in riversciences and mechanworks.

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    Robert Jeff Kelley
  • 230 ak

    Hetchling: An Oath
    Life, Organisation Association

    Robert Jeff Kelley applies and is sworn into the service of Hetchling, to uphold and uplift the culture of the Ni'kashiga Birdfolk. This personal oath adopts them into the Ni'kashiga as a full community member, with the rights and responsibilities of such. From this period forward, RJ dons the grey of the Wazhinkakeh. He works briefly with the Satta Kkaxe at the City of the Sentinels, pursuing hpaziza in the areas of mechanworks, repair, and construction. Later, he will don the uniforms of the Ranger and its associated ha'a.

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    Robert Jeff Kelley
  • 232 ak

    10 /10

    Service Record Begins
    Life, Organisation Association

    Robert Jeff Kelley swears an oath into the service of the Rangers.

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    Robert Jeff Kelley
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    28 /10
    233 ak

    Cadet-theen: The City of The Fingers
    Life, Education

    RJ is stationed at O-pa'zo for the duration of the first theen of Cadetfolken.

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    21 /14

    Corps-theen: The Horn
    Life, Education

    For his skill with mechanworks, RJ is stationed at the airfields of The Horn for the duration of their theen as Corpsfolken.

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    Robert Jeff Kelley
  • 235 ak

    28 /14

    Cairnsfolk: A Renewal of Oath
    Life, Career

    Robert Jeff Kelley swears oath into extended service in the Seekers of the Rangers.

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    Robert Jeff Kelley
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    30 /14

    Diagrams of the Damworks

    Additional teams are dispatched to the Norna Dam ruins, with the intention to study it further. Among them is Robert Jeff Kelley, who recognizes the inscriptions for what they are: use diagrams for the mechanworks of the Dam.

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    The Battle for the Dam begins
    Political event

    As his expedition team returns to the Citadel, Robert Jeff Kelley, a Hetchling Ranger, begins advocating and fundraising for the restoration of the Dam. He stands before the Flock Council in a passionate presentation, attempting to convince the greater administration of the importance of such restoration.   Initial efforts fall short. Financial conservatists are reluctant to overdraw the system, as the previous financial focus on building Powell Station has yet to produce adequate return revenue. The concern of diverting funds away from Ni'kashiga interests into Northern infrastructure - especially coming from a Hetchling adoptee - is co-opted by Xu'gha Conventionalists, who see the project as strengthening the North. Though a far-center perspective, it is nonetheless bolstered by mid-hex conservatists who worry that too much outward expansion is risky, and who point to the barely tamed Green as an uncertainty. And, with the growing unrest with the Foxen over Powell Station continues, even many of the more Edge Moderates feel the attention should be at home.   But the Ranger does not lose hope. Failing to sway the Council, RJ Kelley turns his sights to private investors, and begins to court mid-level representatives of the major Flocks, hoping to change political minds through majority shift.

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    A slow series of wins
    Diplomatic action

    Though he has yet to sway the Flock Council about the importance of the Norna Dam restoration, RJ Kelley uses the interim years to return to the Dam for research and to gather supporting evidence for his cause. The first few trips are funded by friends, loans, and his own savings, slowly producing results which he doggedly shows at any opportunity. RJ is a headstrong individual, and develops a reputation for being stubborn and challenging...but his larger dedication is apparent, and the work that comes from his unrelentless pursuit speaks for itself. He begins to develop allies who appreciate his passion and who see the vision in the man, and as his work grows, so does the base of support among the mid-level Flock representatives with whom he has built relationships.   As the few friends rise within the Flock, they bring support for the project with them, manifesting in trips sponsoring further expedition and research.   The Flock Council grows accustomed to seeing RJ every a'ce, but as he begins to present more compelling supportive evidence for his vision, more begin to listen and watch.

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    Released from Service
    Life, Organisation Association

    In order to pursue his greater calling with the Norna Dam ruins, Robert Jeff Kelley submits a request, and is approved, for an honorary release of service.   Rather than limiting his options as a member of any single Flock (and risk disrupting his larger network of relationships), RJ decides to remain wazhinkakeh. Though a more difficult path financially, the growing financial success of his expeditions carries his personal work forward.

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    Robert Jeff Kelley
  • 264 ak

    Restoration begins

    After years of struggles to gain funding and government support, initial work begins on the Dam. The project is overseen by Robert Jeff Kelley.

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    The River in Motion
    Construction beginning/end

    Beginning first with repairing the Dam to full strength, and then following with restorative work on the mechanworks and empowerments, the restoration of the Dam is complete, providing power to the immediate area. Christened the RJK Hydropower Facility, it is named in honor of Robert Jeff Kelley, whose vision led the project.   The impact of electrical power lays the groundwork for later treaties with the Northern Walkingfolk.

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    A Light in the North
    Diplomatic action

    Economic treaties with the Northern Walkingfolk are established, largely due to the restoration of the RJK Dam and its power output to the area. From his seat on the RJK Hydropower Facility, RJ Kelley counsels in the negotiations, providing factual documentation for the maintenance of the dam, and its benefit to the Northern Region and Ni'kashiga.   In his private offices, he has framed the early letters of criticism from Xu'gha Conventionalists. Far from undermining the position or culture of the Ni'kashiga, the project has instead strengthened both the Nation's financial and trade interests, and the spread of its culture as a positive, welcome force.

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    23 /4

    A torch, passed
    Life, Death

    Having changed the future of the North, Robert Jeff Kelley passes away at the age of 83. He does not live to see the full ripples of his vision, but the results of his work expand Ni'kashiga presence and influence in the North, leading to the expansion of trade, peaceful intervention, and the eventual Northern Statehood. By taming the flow of First Water River, he has indirectly influenced the flow of Birdfolk action, for a more wise and tempered future.