The inbound lands The Battle for the Dam begins

The Battle for the Dam begins

Political event


As his expedition team returns to the Citadel, Robert Jeff Kelley, a Hetchling Ranger, begins advocating and fundraising for the restoration of the Dam. He stands before the Flock Council in a passionate presentation, attempting to convince the greater administration of the importance of such restoration.   Initial efforts fall short. Financial conservatists are reluctant to overdraw the system, as the previous financial focus on building Powell Station has yet to produce adequate return revenue. The concern of diverting funds away from Ni'kashiga interests into Northern infrastructure - especially coming from a Hetchling adoptee - is co-opted by Xu'gha Conventionalists, who see the project as strengthening the North. Though a far-center perspective, it is nonetheless bolstered by mid-hex conservatists who worry that too much outward expansion is risky, and who point to the barely tamed Green as an uncertainty. And, with the growing unrest with the Foxen over Powell Station continues, even many of the more Edge Moderates feel the attention should be at home.   But the Ranger does not lose hope. Failing to sway the Council, RJ Kelley turns his sights to private investors, and begins to court mid-level representatives of the major Flocks, hoping to change political minds through majority shift.