Ochi Hoh Organization in The Inbound Lands | World Anvil

Ochi Hoh

The "Territory of Plentiful Voice"

Ochi Hoh is the central southern region state of The Inbound Lands. At the base of the Kkaxe River, it is bordered by Ochi Wa'shkan to the north, Ochi Ohkanska to the northeast and northwest, Ochi Maninhka to the east and southwest, and by Ochi Oxta to the southeast.   Ochi Hoh is distinctive from other region states by being primarily urban in nature, encompassing the massive Ni'kashiga fortress known as Sisihci or the Htonkahci by the Ni'kashiga, or, as it is known by its Anman allies, The Citadel.   This article is a Work in Progress. Please stay tuned for future updates.
Geopolitical, State


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