Dextor, Innkeeper & Scoundrel Character in The Immortal World of Altwaus | World Anvil
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Dextor, Innkeeper & Scoundrel

The charismatic scoundrel who runs contraband through his inn "The Laughing Tabby"

Proprietor of The Laughing Tabby Inn Dexter

An unsually well dressed Kaldari man with a greasy mustache, Dexter is the owner of The Laughing Tabby Inn, and is rumored to have significant connections to the criminal underworld of The Port City of Rystanburg.
Friendly and suspiciously helpful, Dextor is constantly looking to make new connections between people in Rystanburg - and somehow manages to profit with each new introduction.

Physical Description

Body Features

Pale skinned and often sweaty, Dutch has never taken well to physical labour - and as such has developed a husky physique in the wealth of his middle years. (A fact he often tries to hide by wearing multiple layers of shirts, vests, and often coats)
His hair is dark and greasy, with a shock of grey hair along his temple. He often keeps his longer hairs tied back behind his head or under his hat.

Facial Features

Large nosed, and sunken eyed - a hard life living on the streets of a Kaldari city does a tole on mans face. Despite this, he blue eyes still twinkle with the fire of intelligence, despite them growing increasingly tired with each Kaldari winter.

Identifying Characteristics

A elaborately large mustache, which he keeps well waxed and trimmed.

Physical quirks

When deep in thought Dexter is known to twirls the ends of his mustache, however the more perceptive of watchers may find themselves wondering if perhaps this is a natural habit of Dexter, or rater a trait he is emulating in an attempt to make himself appear sophisticated.

Apparel & Accessories

A common traveler through Kaldaria would think Dexter very well dressed, especially for a common innkeeper - however those in the know of Kaldari fashion would immediatly see that his clothing is at least three years out of fashion, and the weak corners and discolored elbows on his coat suggest it has been well worn.,

Mental characteristics


It takes a combination of connections, birthright, and money to be offered a formal education at any of the acadmies or universities in the Central Highland Region, and Dexter lacked all three of those for most of his life. Instead, Dexter learned how to succeed on the streets of Rystanburg - where he would also watch the more daring and successful of his fellow boys' criminal escapades, and learn from their success (and more importantly, their failures)


Dexter has worked for nearly every major criminal enterprise in Eastern Alwaus, primarily as a smuggler or con-man. As a young boy he served as a spotter for a group of thiefs and burglars - and his cunning nature and instincts for spotting trouble saw him find early success and connections in the criminal underworld. Most recently however, Dexter acquired the deed for an upscale (atleast by common Kaldari standard) inn in the Harbour District of Rystanburg. (often called "The Drain") which he operates not only as a moderately successful accomodation - but also as a front for his smuggling business.

Accomplishments & Achievements

There are no awards given for surviving the cold streets of Kaldari city, however the fact that Dexter has managed to maintain a criminal lifestyle well into his forties is testament enough to his cunning and luck. While many of his peers found their fates in a dark dungeon or at the end of a hangman's rope - Dexter has managed to pool together a meager wealth through his criminal escapades - all without having formal charges ever placed against him for his suspected activities.

Intellectual Characteristics

It's unknown how and when Dexter learned how to read, however he is seldom seen without a book on his person, and can often be found reading the works of cascadian Playwrights and auroch shogun's alike. Seemingly taking refuge in the intellectual harbour of the written word, Dexter is known to often quote the cryptic words of greater men - often to the annoyance and frustration of his colleagues.

Morality & Philosophy

Above all else, Dexter is a student of The Great Game. Climbing from a literal gutter, Dexter has become a respected businessman and criminal organizer - and he did so by being cunning and moral less. While he is quick to offer a kind word and handshake to any patron of his establishment, his history is littered with the ruined fortunes of men and women he has lied, cheated, and stolen from to get where he is today.


Business has been good for Dexter as of late, and as such he has had an opportunity to partake in some of life's pleasures that have been denied to him for decades now. Food, booze, drugs, and whores - none of them are off limits for Dexter, and with a laundry list of enemies who would soon see him dead - Dexter is wasting no time in sampling every pleasure life has to offer.

Personality Characteristics


Paradoxically selfish and in constant need of everyone else's approval - Dexter is a classic narcissistic. Above all other ambitions, he needs to be seen as respected and admired by everyone around him, and will do anything in his power to ensure that happens.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

A expert on the criminal underworld of Kaldaria, in particular Rystanburg and it's surrounding areas. As the entry point for a large amount of contraband for the region, Dexter has amassed an impressive array of contacts and agents - and boasts privately that there isn't much he isn't able to secure (for the right price)

Likes & Dislikes

Grandiose and egotistical, Dexter loves schmoozing and being schmoozed. In particular he is susceptible to gifts, the more expensive the better. He does his best to surround himself with sophisticated and attractive people - however his very nature often leaves most of his friendships ended in anger over a bad business deal - which will often anger him if brought back up.

  Dexter has little respect for the rule of law, and lives by a code of freedom and guile. He loves seeing a more cunning fighter overcome a stronger one and is almost chemically opposed to being told what to do - especially by those in positions of power.

Virtues & Personality perks

Cunning even by criminal standards, Dexter is able to scope out the weaknesses in a business for later exploitation by a burglar with a single casual stole through it's entryway. He is often able to outmanuever his opponents (both business and criminal) and has somehow always managed to stay ahead of both the law and the bigger criminal fish out there.

Vices & Personality flaws

Dexter reacts violently to embarrassment and humiliation, and is prone to drinking heavily when stressed. When times are good however, he is known to sample sweet foods to excess in between late night torrents at any of the whorehouses in The Drain's whorehouses.


While both his venue and clothing would be considered expensive by common standards, his lack of proper upbringing leaves the maintenance of both his property and person lacking in the way one would expect from a boy raised in a gutter.


Social Aptitude

Charismatic, friendly, and disarmingly charming - Dexter has gotten to where he is today with a mix of guile and charm.


Prone to speaking in an over pronounced and sophisticated manner - as if he was trying to emulate the way a nobleman would speak but is doing so rather poorly.

Wealth & Financial state

Well by no means upper class, Dexter has assembled a fair amount of silver in his years, most of which he has funneled into either The Laughing Tabby Inn or one of his many vices. While he does his best to project an impression of success and wealth to his friends and criminal colleagues, the reality of his financial situation is a lot less substantial than he would care to admit - likely due to heavy taxation from both legal and criminal organizations in Rystanburg.
Current Location
Year of Birth
148 AoEE 43 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Raised in whorehouse before being thrown out onto the streets.
Current Residence
Watery blue, with a twinkle of cunning and intelligence.
Black and greasy, often tied back behind his head or under his hat.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale and often sweaty.
Quotes & Catchphrases
Sure - you can come clean, and you come honest - but if the other man's brought a dagger you'll likely die wishing your word was worth as little as mine.
Ruled Locations
Character Prototype
(( Dutch, from Red Dead Redemption II ))

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