Bloodrot Condition in The Immortal World of Altwaus | World Anvil
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A debilitating disease common in situations where large groups of people experience prolonged physical duress, Bloodrot is a highly contagious infection that has changed the fate of more than one war across The Thirteen Kingdoms

Transmission & Vectors

Transmission of the infection is still poorly understood, however leading theories support the concept that the bacteria spreads easily amongst population groups but does not show any symptoms or provide any threat until the body's immune system has been compromised enough that the bacteria can gain a foothold. Tradition beliefs hold onto the disproven notion that it can be passed from person to person via contact through open wounds or blood, however evidence to the contrary is abundant despite superstition amongst the enlisted soldiers.    Bloodrot has been observed to appear in those kept in quarantine or solitary confinement and medical staff and surgeons who are frequently in direct contact with out open wounds and blood rarely show symptoms of inflection. Whether this is due to a natural resistance to the bacteria from long term exposure or merely a reflection of medical staff's tendency to have better quality rations and provisions is still undetermined.


Bloodrot earned its name from the infected, pussy sores it creates and opens on its victim's skin. First detection is usually found in white puss-like execrations from wounds taken through accident or injury (which is where the infections connection to siege warefare comes from). Once a wound is infected the disease begins to eat away at the skin and flesh surrounding the wound, preventing healing and even creating larger and less uniform lacerations in the victim's flesh. Left unchecked the infection will spread to other injuries and open wounds, before eventually forming it's own sores and lesions over the host's body which once again begin spreading.    The entire experience is both horrific and painful for the host. Often flaring up after traumatic physical injuries, the infection can be devastating to the moral of both the injured party and their comrades, requiring further care and resources that can tax an army's supplies even further.    Bloodrot in itself is rarely fatal, however it's effect on worsening injuries can provide serious complications that turn otherwise survivable injuries into fatal casualties.


Thankfully treatment of Bloodrot is common and easily applied. Nearly all human cities and towns carry the necessary components to craft the required tonics for treatment making the disease risk negligible in most circumstances despite the disease's reputation. Bloodrot is only a concern in situations where prolonged treatment is not possible and resupplying alchemical ingredients unlikely.


Every commander in The Thirteen Kingdoms knows stories in their respective kingdoms of otherwise winnable sieges turning against them due to bloodrot infections in their armies. As such infections of bloodrot in these settings is often kept secret or discreet in an attempt to not sway the group's morale. This of course creates an isolating effect on the infected party who is ordered to keep their condition secret - thus further adding to the disease's perhaps unwarranted reputation as an "army killer".   In actuality bloodrot is a common occurrence amongst anyone who risks physical injury while under prolonged stress. In the vast majority of cases treatment is quick and decisive and poses no more a risk to a man or woman than dietary scurvy.
Affected Species

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