Bartholo "Buck" Barcanous Character in The Immortal World of Altwaus | World Anvil
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Bartholo "Buck" Barcanous

(a.k.a. Buck)

  "I know plenty of things boy, but knowing things only gets you into trouble - trust me. That's why I keep my mind focused on these here yields."
    Bartholo Barcanous, or as all of the people who knew him after the college know him, Buck, is the most successful farmer in Tribute. This appears to be owing to his knack for knowing weather patterns, soil conditions, crop rotations and perhaps everything needed about farming.

  What the people of Tribute do not know is his substantial magical potential. At a young age, Buck was taken away from his family and home in rural Kaldari to be forcibly enrolled into the Collegiate Arcane. At first, they told him that this was the fate of all human arcanists, to be raised and monitored under the close eyes of their Alvain masters. After a number of years it became horrifically apparent that the Alvain were training him and his pupils as weapons of war. Potentially, he thought, as tools to cull the human population down to a more appropriate size. Buck seemed to have caught on decisively before his peers could realize, but, instead of informing them, he chose to flee the Collegiate. It involved what he considered a rather brilliant & explosive accident that supposedly resulted in his untimely demise.

  He fled back to his home of Kaldari but not to his home village. Buck went into hiding to make a new life for himself, establishing his farm in Tribute. Having been over 30 years now, most people who were originally suspicious of Buck are dead and the rest are too senile to remember in any case.

(Nemesis) - Bartholo "Buck" Barcanous

BRN - 2 AGI - 2 INT - 2 CUN - 2 WIL - 2 PRE - 2

Silhouette - 1 DEF 0/0 1 Soak - 4 Wounds - 12 Strain - 12
Weaknesses - Silver, Lightning Resistances - Slashing, Piercing Immunities - Fire, Force
Quick Initiative : 2 Prestige - N/A Identify: Culture 2, Warfare 2, Lore 2, Nature 2

Primary Checks

Short Sword: Melee - Light dd b + Group Upgrade : Damage 5 (Slashing Critical 3; Range [Engaged]

Shabby Bow: Marksmanship dd b + Group Upgrade : Damage 6 (Piercing Critical 3; Range [Medium]

Magic Bolt: Arcana dd + Group Upgrade : Damage 5 (Force Critical 5; Range [Short]; Manipulate, Blast 3


General Skills : Athletics 2, Resilience 2, Coordination 2, Riding 2, Stealth 2, Medicine 2, Mechanics 2, Operating 2, Alchemy 2, Perception 2, Survival 2, Streetwise 2, Skulduggery 2, Vigilance 2, Discipline 2, Cool 2
Combat Skills : Brawl 2, Melee - Light 2, Melee - Heavy 2, Marksmanship 2, Gunnery 2, Arcana 2, Primal 2, Divine 2, Runes 2
Social Skills : Deception 2, Coercion 2, Charm 2, Negotiation 2, Leadership 2
Knowledge Skills : Culture 2, Nature 2, Lore 2, Warfare 2


Adversary 1: Upgrade the difficulty of all Combat and Social checks targeting this adversary once.

Dual Wielder : May perform a maneuver to reduce the difficulty of this adversary's next combined check to attack with two weapons during their turn by one

Dark Vision 2: When making checks, this adversary may remove up to b b imposed to poor visibility caused from darkness and shadows.

Reinforcements : In an encounter with this Minion, the GM may spend h h on checks made by a PC to add one minion of this type to an existing minion group, or d to add a brand new minion group consisting of three of these adversaries.

Special Actions

Terrifying 3 : At the start of an encounter with this adversary, all opponents must make a Hard (ddd) Fear Check as an Out-of-turn incidental.

Honor & Grit : Once per encounter, when this adversary exceeds their wound threshold, they can immediately attempt a Hard (ddd) Discipline check as an out-of-turn incidental, healing 1 wound per s; if this reduces this adversary's wounds below their threshold it does become incapacitated and continues fighting.

For The King! : Once per round, when targeted by a ranged combat check, the GM may choose one ally within short range of this adversary to immediately engage with this adversary as an out-of-turn incidental. The ranged combat check then resolves against the ally instead of this adversary.


Magic Bolt: Arcana (d): Damage 5 (Force Critical 5; Range [Short]; Manipulate, Blast 3

Magic Barrier: Arcana (ddd) - Concentration: Until the end of the caster's next turn, increase their defense by 3 and reduce the damage of all hits against them by one, plus one for every s s.

Magic Heal: Arcana (ddd) : A target within Short range heals 1 wound per s and 1 strain per a


Short Sword : Melee - Light; Damage 5 (Slashing Critical 3; Range [Engaged]; Accurate 1
Crude Shortbow : Marksmanship: Damage 6 (Piercing Critical 3; Range [Medium]; Unwieldy 3
Arcanist's Wand : Arcana: Damage +3, Free Close Range, Quick
  Armour & Gear
Shabby Heavy Clothing : Medium Armor: Soak +1; Defense +0; Shabby 1   Potential Sundries
10 Silver Standards
Rations X 4
Carved Wooden Figure


Roleplaying Suggestions


  Strengths: Flavour text for the adversary in question goes here, describing it's appearance, function, and perhaps even basic behaviours.   Flaws: Flavour text for the adversary in question goes here, describing it's appearance, function, and perhaps even basic behaviours.   Desires: Flavour text for the adversary in question goes here, describing it's appearance, function, and perhaps even basic behaviours.   Fears: Flavour text for the adversary in question goes here, describing it's appearance, function, and perhaps even basic behaviours.


General Behaviors

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  Flavour text for the adversary in question goes here, describing it's appearance, function, and perhaps even basic behaviours. Flavour text for the adversary in question goes here, describing it's appearance, function, and perhaps even basic behaviours. Flavour text for the adversary in question goes here, describing it's appearance, function, and perhaps even basic behaviours. Flavour text for the adversary in question goes here, describing it's appearance, function, and perhaps even basic behaviours. Flavour text for the adversary in question goes here, describing it's appearance, function, and perhaps even basic behaviours. Flavour text for the adversary in question goes here, describing it's appearance, function, and perhaps even basic behaviours. Flavour text for the adversary in question goes here, describing it's appearance, function, and perhaps even basic behaviours. Flavour text for the adversary in question goes here, describing it's appearance, function, and perhaps even basic behaviours. Flavour text for the adversary in question goes here, describing it's appearance, function, and perhaps even basic behaviours.

Combat Behaviors

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  Flavour text for the adversary in question goes here, describing it's appearance, function, and perhaps even basic behaviours. Flavour text for the adversary in question goes here, describing it's appearance, function, and perhaps even basic behaviours. Flavour text for the adversary in question goes here, describing it's appearance, function, and perhaps even basic behaviours. Flavour text for the adversary in question goes here, describing it's appearance, function, and perhaps even basic behaviours. Flavour text for the adversary in question goes here, describing it's appearance, function, and perhaps even basic behaviours. Flavour text for the adversary in question goes here, describing it's appearance, function, and perhaps even basic behaviours. Flavour text for the adversary in question goes here, describing it's appearance, function, and perhaps even basic behaviours. Flavour text for the adversary in question goes here, describing it's appearance, function, and perhaps even basic behaviours. Flavour text for the adversary in question goes here, describing it's appearance, function, and perhaps even basic behaviours.

Social Behaviors

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  Flavour text for the adversary in question goes here, describing it's appearance, function, and perhaps even basic behaviours. Flavour text for the adversary in question goes here, describing it's appearance, function, and perhaps even basic behaviours. Flavour text for the adversary in question goes here, describing it's appearance, function, and perhaps even basic behaviours. Flavour text for the adversary in question goes here, describing it's appearance, function, and perhaps even basic behaviours. Flavour text for the adversary in question goes here, describing it's appearance, function, and perhaps even basic behaviours. Flavour text for the adversary in question goes here, describing it's appearance, function, and perhaps even basic behaviours. Flavour text for the adversary in question goes here, describing it's appearance, function, and perhaps even basic behaviours. Flavour text for the adversary in question goes here, describing it's appearance, function, and perhaps even basic behaviours. Flavour text for the adversary in question goes here, describing it's appearance, function, and perhaps even basic behaviours.

Mental characteristics


Buck likes the ladies. He may be 57 years old, but he's certainly not dead.


Diploma in Basic Arcane Arts
Honours in Application of Elements
Honours in Application of Telekinetics
Degree in War Arcanium (Human Standards subtype) with a Major in Close Range Applications
  All of these were of course awarded to Bartholo Barcanous, who is considered dead.


Works as the lead hand for a small farm in The Village of Tribute. Despite the farm's small size and lack of numerous workers, the farm has consistently outperformed its neighbors since Buck's arrival to to help "Old Ma", The Old Woman all those years ago.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Might be the only human arcanist to escape the Collegiate alive. He doesn't know for sure, but that's definitely a point for Buck in his books.

Failures & Embarrassments

Not warning his peers prior to fleeing the Collegiate. He feels that maybe he could have done more to help, but was too scared to in his youth.

Intellectual Characteristics

Sharp as a tack but sometimes forgets the intellectual lacking of those around him. This has earned him the title of 'know-it-all-Buck' and potentially viewed as a bit eccentric. This all in spite of his absurdly thick rural Kaldari accent which makes him sound like a simpleton.

Morality & Philosophy

Buck is a 'if it ain't broke, don't fix it' kind of man. He's also a fan of leaving people to their business, so long as it doesn't hurt those around them. But if "certain folks were to start trouble over somebody's beliefs or whatnot", he's not above setting them straight with the broadside of a shovel.


Buck has an irrational, hatred for just about anybody who brown-noses to an Alvain. Not to mention the elves themselves. He is borderline completely intolerant of it and the alvain.
Current Status
Escorting Father Wilhelm to The Port City of Rystanburg
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Well past his 50s
Current Residence
Bald, with the fainest whisps of white hair around his temples. Large bushy grey beard occupies his face.
220 lbs

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