The Hunt for Taldek and Vondutt Breitheim Military Conflict in The Horrors Beyond the Crypt: Yharm, Goddess of the Damned | World Anvil
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The Hunt for Taldek and Vondutt Breitheim

Sent to Scrag Caverns after his brother, Vondutt. Taldek Breitheim managed to flee the town of Oceania as the skeleton horde approached and started killing. Our crew managed to find out that Vondutt is in fact alive, surviving the goblin and skeleton minions that entered the caves to kill all that were in there. When our party finished at the Battle of Oceania, our crew looked to see if Taldek made it out, looking for a letter of some kind in the Iron and Shite, the building and business Taldek owned. He's currently on the way to Daggerveil, as per the note that he sent to Aqualis Boulderbrew of the Dame of Flame, which is where he said he would be originally in the note left at Oceania.

The Conflict


Our groups arrival in Oceania to find work quickly turned into a massive goose chase, as Yharm's army has been creating cataclysmic results to the surface world, and our friends.


The main battlefields related to the hunt of Taldek and Vondutt are the Scrag Caverns battle and the Battle of Oceania.


The goal: To find Taldek and Vondutt Breitheim at any cost.

The Engagement

Our crew is taking every step possible to find Taldek.
Start Date
May 24th, 3168EM


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