Raisha Clan Organization in The Horrors Beyond the Crypt: Yharm, Goddess of the Damned | World Anvil
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Raisha Clan

This is unfinished and a work in progress!
Ages ago, when the Goddess Tetra disappeared, the Raisha Clan on Minotaurs migrated into Terra Terrarium. As the legends go, the Raisha clan befriended a sect of Druids deep in the forests of Terrarium and reconnected with the lost Goddess. The Raisha Clan lived in peace but raised fierce warriors. One day a Druid wandered into their settlement. The Druid was unknown to the clan, yet they welcomed him as a friend. The Druids and Minotaurs had long coexisted peacefully. The unknown Druid began acting strangely, and soon fell ill. They sent emissaries to retrieve the other Druids, but none of them returned. The sickness began to spread throughout the clan, and members began dying. That is when the Dark Druid arose from his pestilence and began attacking the weakened clan members. Those of us still able to fight, rallied around the sick clan members. However, they were no match for his magics.
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