Misc. Buildings in Dawnbury Building / Landmark in The Horrors Beyond the Crypt: Yharm, Goddess of the Damned | World Anvil
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Misc. Buildings in Dawnbury

There are many different buildings and businesses in Dawnbury, including notable locations like the Dame of Flame and the Ghost and Phantoms magic shop. There are other buildings that aren't as notable as those other ones, not warranting their own articles.   General Turnip - Dawnbury General Store. This store is by far the most populated business that isn't the newly opened magic shop or the drunk man's paradise, the Ugly Badger Tavern. The General Turnip is located in the middle of Dawnbury, in between the Ugly Badger and the newly opened magic shop. This store has many different goods, often materials that are standard, paper and building materials, food and drink, etc. Our party has never been into this store, so we do not know what it looks like from the inside. It is a very nice store from the outside and it gets a lot of business.   The Ugly Badger - The Ugly Badger is a very popular tavern in Dawnbury where many people come and drink and eat and enjoy times with their friends. The entire town has visited this tavern, and it gets a lot of business. The reason for the name is unclear, but it is said that the original owner of the building years ago had a pet badger that was so incredibly ugly that actually made people sick to look at. Nowadays, instead of ugly badgers, the main popularity is hiring bards to sing and perform for the crowd. Often times, when someone goes into the tavern, there are no seats, but sometimes there are.   Dawnbury Library - This library is not the largest library in Terra Minima, but being the fifth largest city there gives it a little headway for getting many books and documents. There isn't really anything super special about this library, but many different wizards come here to learn, as it is said to have some really good scrolls and other magic stuff.   Dawnbury Harbor - The harbor allows many different sized boats to dock just outside the town about 15 minutes away from the town. The harbor isn't super large, it is significantly bigger than, say, Oceania's harbor, but it is not as massive as Daggerveil's harbor. It is located on a beach and has multiple different docks sticking into the water.   Gnome Depot - Pet store and carpentry store   Crowing Cock - Brothel


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